Search results — 7 items matching your search terms
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National Agriculture Policy 2016
- The National Agriculture Policy (NAP) defines the vision for development of the agricultural sector in Malawi over the next five years. More specifically, this ...
The 2012-2013 Budget Analysis for the Agriculture Sector
- An analysis of the 2012/13 budget estimates for the Agriculture and Food Security sector.
Community Experiences with Climate change - Case Study of Salima District
- A compilation of case studies on community climate change experience in Salima district
Agriculture Sector Wide Approach (ASWAp)
- A brief presentation on the ASWAp
Brief Summary of Policies and Strategies in the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation 2002
- A presentation on the policies and strategies in the agriculture sector
Food Security Policy 2006
- National Food security Policy
Malawi Agricultural Sector Wide Approach
- The ASWAp is a single comprehensive programme and budget framework that has a formalized process for better donor coordination and harmonization of investment ...