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Natures Voice - Volume 12 Issue 1
- A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management
Conversions of Customary Lands to Leasehold Titles - Zambia
- This brief analyses the conversion process and its impact on rural communities, and discusses proposed solutions for securing customary land rights in Zambia.
Nacala Corridor Railway Line Relocations - A Case study of Dyna Binali
- A case study on land relocation and compensation practices in national development projects
Securing Land and Property Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Local Institutions
- A look into the various land titling systems in Africa
The Gender Implications of Joint Land Tilting in Ethiopia
- A highlight on the gender implications of joint Land tilting in Ethiopia.
Arborvitae Volume 45 - Forest Landscape Restoration Potential and Impacts
- A newsletter that has issues to do with forest landscape restoration potential and impacts
Beating Famine Today Issue Four
- A newsletter on climate change adaptation and mitigation for agriculture production
Direct Funding Means Quicker Action in Climate Change
- A presentation of benefits of direct funding into climate change