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Nature's Voice 2023 Edition
- Center for Environmental Policy and Advocacy's relaunch of Nature's Voice on policy related issues in Biodiversity, Climate Change and Natural Resources ...
Promoting Co-operatives: A guide to ILO Recommendation 193
- This publication is a guide for those who want to know more about the ILO Recommendation, and how it provides a basis for law and policies on co-operatives. It ...
Fisheries Conservation and Management - Local Community Participation Rules
- Local community participation rules on fisheries conservation and management
Fisheries Conservation and Management Act 1997
- An act on conservation and management of fisheries
Fisheries Conservation and Management Regulations 2000
- Regulations on fisheries conservation and management
Micro and Small Enterprise Policy Statement
- A Policy Statement on micro and small enterprises in Malawi
Microfinance Policy and Action Plan 2002
- A policy promoting the development of a sustainable microfinance industry which provides credit, savings opportunities and other financial services to ...
National Aquaculture Strategic Plan Main Report 2006- 2015
- A compilation of the best approaches and actions to be taken the DOF to ensure sustainable development and growth of smallholder and commercial aquaculture in ...
National Aquaculture Strategic Plan Section 2 2006- 2015
- This document focuses on the strategies and actions that are needed to advance aquaculture development in Malawi
National Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy 2001
- This policy represents an integrated policy framework for fisheries and aquaculture in Malawi
National Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy 2016
- A revision of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy of 2001.