Search results — 22 items matching your search terms
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Land and Agrarian Reform- Historical Background and Challenges
- A brief history of how we have come to have the policies and laws that govern land ownership in Malawi
Policy Brief on Irrigation Policy
- A brief overview of the National Irrigation Policy and Development Strategy (2000)
Report of Land and Agrarian Reform in Malawi
- A review of the Malawi land reform process
Sustainability of the Malawi Farm Input Subsidy Programme
- A policy brief on an assessment of the sustainability of the national Fertilizer Input Subsidy Programme (FISP)
Case Study on Farmers Organizations, Plant Breeding and Seed Industry in Malawi
- An evaluation of current trends in farmers organizations, plant breeding and the seed industry in achieving seed and food security and the sustainable ...
Guidelines for Implementation of Farmers Rights in Southern Africa
- Guidance material prepared to support the process of promoting attainment of farmers' rights in Southern Africa
Modern Biotechnology Policy and Legislation in Malawi
- A critical appraisal of the policy and legal framework for the promotion and management of science and technology in general and modern biotechnology in Malawi ...
Realization of Farmers Rights in Malawi
- A policy brief on farmers rights in Malawi
Say no to Genetic Engineering in Malawi
- A brief statement on GMO's in Malawi
Southern Africa Food Security Alert
- A food security alert by the FEWS NET
Striking a Balance - Wetland Management and Policy Gaps
- A keynote address on how wetlands are managed and the policy gaps
Wetlands Key Note Address
- A key note address on wetland management gaps
20 Years of African CSO Involvement in Climate Change Negotiations- Priorities, Strategies and Actions
- An exploration of African CSO engagement in the UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COPs) process
A Study of the Economic and Social Impact of Three Irrigation Schemes in Dedza and Ntcheu Districts
- A study to assess the extent to which forecasts that were made about social and economic benefits of rural irrigation schemes were realise d on the ground
Climate Change and Rural Communities in Malawi - Towards Policy Implementation
- A compilation of three papers which provide a synopsis of the state of knowledge and activities as well as policy responses to climate change impacts. The ...
DISCOVER and ECRP Glossary of Terms
Irrigation Act 2001
- An Act to make provision for the sustainable development and management of irrigation, protection of the environment from irrigation related degradations, ...
Malawi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Master Plan 1999
- A masterplan providing guidelines for the execution of demand driven- research in the Agriculture sector
National Contract Farming Strategy 2007
- A strategy for Contract Farming in Malawi
National Irrigation Policy and Development Strategy 2000
- National Policy and strategy on irrigation and irrigation related issues
National Water Policy 2005
- The National Water Policy
The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands- Implications for Malawi
- A presentation on wetlands conventions implications for Malawi