Search results — 17 items matching your search terms
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Sustainability of the Malawi Farm Input Subsidy Programme
- A policy brief on an assessment of the sustainability of the national Fertilizer Input Subsidy Programme (FISP)
Case Study on Farmers Organizations, Plant Breeding and Seed Industry in Malawi
- An evaluation of current trends in farmers organizations, plant breeding and the seed industry in achieving seed and food security and the sustainable ...
Guidelines for Implementation of Farmers Rights in Southern Africa
- Guidance material prepared to support the process of promoting attainment of farmers' rights in Southern Africa
Modern Biotechnology Policy and Legislation in Malawi
- A critical appraisal of the policy and legal framework for the promotion and management of science and technology in general and modern biotechnology in Malawi ...
Realization of Farmers Rights in Malawi
- A policy brief on farmers rights in Malawi
Say no to Genetic Engineering in Malawi
- A brief statement on GMO's in Malawi
Southern Africa Food Security Alert
- A food security alert by the FEWS NET
Agriculture Sector Wide Approach (ASWAp)
- A brief presentation on the ASWAp
Food Security Policy 2006
- National Food security Policy
Institutionalizing Sector Working Groups to Strengthen the Implementation of the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy
- Guidelines for the institutionalization of sector working Groups to strengthen the implementation of the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy
Malawi Agricultural Sector Wide Approach
- The ASWAp is a single comprehensive programme and budget framework that has a formalized process for better donor coordination and harmonization of investment ...
Malawi Economic Growth Strategy 2003
- A medium term development plan by the Government of Malawi
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy II
- A national level guiding document to achieve the goal of wealth creation through sustainable economic growth and infrastructure development
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy Volume One
- This document presents a policy shift from social consumption to sustainable economic growth and infrastructure development, particularly in rural areas ...
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy Volume Two
- This document provides a policy framework that addresses both economic growth and social policies and how these are balanced to achieve the medium term ...
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy
- A development plan to balance the productive sector and social sector of the economy
National Contract Farming Strategy 2007
- A strategy for Contract Farming in Malawi