Search results — 13 items matching your search terms
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Policy Brief on National Youth Policy
- A brief overview of the National Youth Policy (2013)
Institutionalizing Sector Working Groups to Strengthen the Implementation of the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy
- Guidelines for the institutionalization of sector working Groups to strengthen the implementation of the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy
Malawi and the Millennium Development Goals- Challenges and Achievements
- An assessment of what Malawi has achieved in meeting the MDG's and the challenges met
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy II
- A national level guiding document to achieve the goal of wealth creation through sustainable economic growth and infrastructure development
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy Volume One
- This document presents a policy shift from social consumption to sustainable economic growth and infrastructure development, particularly in rural areas ...
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy Volume Two
- This document provides a policy framework that addresses both economic growth and social policies and how these are balanced to achieve the medium term ...
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy
- A development plan to balance the productive sector and social sector of the economy
Malawi National Strategy for Sustainable Development 2004
- This document provides guidance on the implementation of the WSSD commitments for the next 10-15 years, and to complement the MPRS
MASAF Community Development Projects Handbook
- The handbook for operational guidance to stakeholders on the philosophy, design principles, institutional management framework, and operational procedures of ...
National Youth Policy 2013
- The policy provides broad guidelines from which programmes and services can be developed to facilitate meaningful participation and involvement of the youth in ...
Social Protection Policy 2008
- This policy act as a prelude to programme development and provides a holistic framework for designing, implementing, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating ...
Social Support Policy 2009
- This policy is a prelude to programme development and provides a holistic framework for designing, implementing, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating social ...
Vision 2020- The National Long Term Development Perspective for Malawi
- The basis for short and medium term plans to achieve the vision that Malawians see for the year 2020