Search results — 15 items matching your search terms
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Climate Smart Agriculture Policy Review
- A review of policies and strategies related to climate smart agriculture
DF Lead Farmer Extension and Training Guide on Sustainable Agriculture
- The guide contains technical information, and takes into consideration lessons learnt from field experiences. It incorporates step-by-step construction ...
Harmonizing Trade Regulation and Environment Management
- An analysis of the relationship between trade and environment and all matters incidental thereto
International and National Conservation Agriculture Training Courses
- A brief indicating the aim of the courses, Target groups, Cost of Training, how to apply and the training schedule and venue
Organic Manure - A Sustainable Means to Achieve National Food Security and Economic Empowerment
- A compilation of experience highlighting importance of organic manure for sustainable agriculture production in Malawi
Sustainability of the Malawi Farm Input Subsidy Programme
- A policy brief on an assessment of the sustainability of the national Fertilizer Input Subsidy Programme (FISP)
Case Study on Farmers Organizations, Plant Breeding and Seed Industry in Malawi
- An evaluation of current trends in farmers organizations, plant breeding and the seed industry in achieving seed and food security and the sustainable ...
Guidelines for Implementation of Farmers Rights in Southern Africa
- Guidance material prepared to support the process of promoting attainment of farmers' rights in Southern Africa
Modern Biotechnology Policy and Legislation in Malawi
- A critical appraisal of the policy and legal framework for the promotion and management of science and technology in general and modern biotechnology in Malawi ...
Realization of Farmers Rights in Malawi
- A policy brief on farmers rights in Malawi
Say no to Genetic Engineering in Malawi
- A brief statement on GMO's in Malawi
Southern Africa Food Security Alert
- A food security alert by the FEWS NET
Fertilizer Act 2003
- An act to protect consumer and persons selling fertilizer in Malawi by assuring that all fertiliser sold or offered for sale in Malawi is in compliance with ...
Malawi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Master Plan 1999
- A masterplan providing guidelines for the execution of demand driven- research in the Agriculture sector
National Fertilizer Strategy 2007
- This document identifies key issues affecting adoption and utilization of fertilizer technologies