Search results — 13 items matching your search terms
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Striking a Balance - Wetland Management and Policy Gaps
- A keynote address on how wetlands are managed and the policy gaps
Wetlands Key Note Address
- A key note address on wetland management gaps
2011-2012 Draft National Budget Analysis on Climate Change
- An analysis of the 2011/2012 draft budget with a focus on resources earmarked for implementation of activities and programs that relate to climate change, ...
A Review of Policy and International Instruments on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management in Malawi- Towards Development of Comprehensive Policy Frameworks
- A review of policy and international instruments on climate change and disaster and risk management in Malawi
ECRP Bulletin December 2015
- A biannual bulletin which highlights key achievements, challenges and lessons learnt in ECRP
ECRP Bulletin June 2015
- A biannual bulletin which highlights key achievements, challenges and lessons learnt in ECRP
PMU DISCOVER Narrative Report- Year 2 Quarter 1
- A narrative report on the status of project implementation in ECRP
The 2011-2012 Mid-Year National Budget Analysis with Focus on Climate Change
- A mid year review of the approved 2011/2012 budget with a focus on resources earmarked for implementation of activities and programs that relate to climate ...
The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands- Implications for Malawi
- A presentation on wetlands conventions implications for Malawi
Lake Chilwa Basin Climate Change Adaptation Programme Impact Report 2010-2017
- An impact study report on the Lake Chilwa Basin Climate Change Adaptation Programme (LCBCCAP). The report focuses on impact outcomes under four themes namely; ...
Guidelines for the Provision of Food Assistance During Emergencies in Malawi: Operational Tools
- The Joint Emergency Food Assistance Programme (JEFAP) and the Government of Malawi published Guidelines for the Provision of Food Assistance During Emergencies ...
Transforming Disaster Response Through Localization Efforts in Neno, Malawi 2024
- This case study features a Localization Pilot Project in Neno, a district in Malawi traditionally faced with constant disasters. The study demonstrates how ...
- This report presents findings from a study carried out under the Beyond Barriers project to investigate what is required for the humanitarian system to make ...