Search results — 6 items matching your search terms
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Access and Benefit Sharing of Biological Diversity
- The paper examines a set of complex issues of access to and benefit sharing of biological resources
Biodiversity, Biotechnology and Environmental Justice in Malawi
- A critique of the current legal regime on environmental protection in respect of biotechnology; and recommendations and possible courses of action to ensure ...
Realization of Farmers Rights in Malawi
- A policy brief on farmers rights in Malawi
Say no to Genetic Engineering in Malawi
- A brief statement on GMO's in Malawi
Science and Policy for Modern Biotechnology
- An analysis of the policy and legislative framework for biotechnology promotion and regulation in Malawi
Towards the Development of a Comprehensive Malawi Agro-biodiversity Policy and Legislation
- A report on consultations conducted for the development of Malawi agro-biodiversity policy and legislation