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Energy Greenhouse Gas Inventory System (GHG-IS) Green Investment Opportunities Brief
- The Government of Malawi launched its Greenhouse Gas Inventory System (GHG-IS) in 2019. This brief highlights green investment opportunities individuals or ...
Forestry Greenhouse Gas Inventory System (GHG-IS) Green Investment Opportunities Brief
- The Government of Malawi launched its Greenhouse Gas Inventory System (GHG-IS) in 2019. This brief highlights green investment opportunities individuals or ...
Waste Greenhouse Gas Inventory System (GHG-IS) Green Investment Opportunities Brief
- The Government of Malawi launched its Greenhouse Gas Inventory System (GHG-IS) in 2019. This brief highlights green investment opportunities individuals or ...
Livestock Greenhouse Gas Inventory System (GHG-IS) Green Investment Opportunities Brief
- The Government of Malawi launched its Greenhouse Gas Inventory System (GHG-IS) in 2019. This brief highlights green investment opportunities individuals or ...
YONECO Malawi Land Law Reform Radio Discussion 1
- A panel discussion on the need for land law reform in the country. The discussion was built around womens experiences in customary land governance shortfalls
YONECO Malawi Land Law Reform Radio Discussion 2
- Alive radio discussion on the need for land law reform in the country. The discussion was built around womens experiences in customary land governance ...
ZODIAK Malawi Land Law Reform Radio Discussion
- A discussion on the need for land law reform in the country. The discussion was built around womens experiences in customary land governance shortfalls
ZODIAK Malawi Land Law Reform Panel Discussion
- A panel discussion on the existing gaps and challenges facing land administration and the need for land law reform. It also gives and overview of the various ...
Assessing the Impact of Customary Land Rights Registration on Credit Access by Farmers in Tanzania - A Case Study on Mbozi District
- An assessing of how far and to what extent rural land tilting conducted by customary land administration system has managed to promote poor farmers in ...
Conversions of Customary Lands to Leasehold Titles - Zambia
- This brief analyses the conversion process and its impact on rural communities, and discusses proposed solutions for securing customary land rights in Zambia.
Harmonizing Trade Regulation and Environment Management
- An analysis of the relationship between trade and environment and all matters incidental thereto
East and Southern Africa Regional Workshop on Linking Local Experiences with Policy Processes in Climate Change
- This document gives a background and objectives of the Southern Voices Climate Change workshop on Linking local experiences with policy processes in climate ...
Into Unknown Territory - The Limits to Adaptation and Reality of Loss and Damage from Climate Impacts
- This paper contextualises issues around loss and damage as a result of climate change and demonstrates the urgent necessity for a range of approaches to ...
Linking local Experiences with Policy Processes in Climate Change- Lessons from adaptation, sustainable energy and community forestry
- A compilation of lessons learnt in climate change policy processes in East and Southern Africa
Brief Summary of Policies and Strategies in the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation 2002
- A presentation on the policies and strategies in the agriculture sector
Institutionalizing Sector Working Groups to Strengthen the Implementation of the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy
- Guidelines for the institutionalization of sector working Groups to strengthen the implementation of the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy
Malawi and the Millennium Development Goals- Challenges and Achievements
- An assessment of what Malawi has achieved in meeting the MDG's and the challenges met
Malawi Economic Growth Strategy 2003
- A medium term development plan by the Government of Malawi
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy II
- A national level guiding document to achieve the goal of wealth creation through sustainable economic growth and infrastructure development
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy Volume One
- This document presents a policy shift from social consumption to sustainable economic growth and infrastructure development, particularly in rural areas ...
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy Volume Two
- This document provides a policy framework that addresses both economic growth and social policies and how these are balanced to achieve the medium term ...
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy
- A development plan to balance the productive sector and social sector of the economy
Micro and Small Enterprise Policy Statement
- A Policy Statement on micro and small enterprises in Malawi
Microfinance Policy and Action Plan 2002
- A policy promoting the development of a sustainable microfinance industry which provides credit, savings opportunities and other financial services to ...
National Contract Farming Strategy 2007
- A strategy for Contract Farming in Malawi
Vision 2020- The National Long Term Development Perspective for Malawi
- The basis for short and medium term plans to achieve the vision that Malawians see for the year 2020