Search results — 21 items matching your search terms
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National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan II 2015-2025
- This National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan II is a framework for action that will guide Malawi to sustainably manage its biodiversity. The Strategy ...
An Overview of Communal Land Tenure in Namibia - Unlocking its Economic Potential
- An overview of the provision of secure tenure over commonage land rights
Growing Income and Nutritional Poverty an Issue of Concern
- A press statement on the 2012 CfSC fourth quarter Rural Basic Needs Basket (Rural BNB) survey findings
20 Years of African CSO Involvement in Climate Change Negotiations- Priorities, Strategies and Actions
- An exploration of African CSO engagement in the UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COPs) process
Assessment of Agricultural Sector Policies and Climate Change in Malawi
- A report from the study conducted to determine the extent to which the agricultural sector policies integrate with climate related issues to influence ...
Charcoal Factsheet
- An information brief on the economic significance of charcoal production and its environmental costs
Climate Change and Rural Communities in Malawi - Towards Policy Implementation
- A compilation of three papers which provide a synopsis of the state of knowledge and activities as well as policy responses to climate change impacts. The ...
Declaration on the III Regional Summit on Climate Change
- Declaration on the 111 Regional Summit on climate change
East and Southern Africa Regional Workshop on Linking Local Experiences with Policy Processes in Climate Change
- This document gives a background and objectives of the Southern Voices Climate Change workshop on Linking local experiences with policy processes in climate ...
ECRP PVA Consolidated Report
- ECRP Participatory vulnerability assessment report
Hyogo Framework for Action- Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters
- Lessons from adaptation, sustainable energy and community forestry
Into Unknown Territory - The Limits to Adaptation and Reality of Loss and Damage from Climate Impacts
- This paper contextualises issues around loss and damage as a result of climate change and demonstrates the urgent necessity for a range of approaches to ...
Linking local Experiences with Policy Processes in Climate Change- Lessons from adaptation, sustainable energy and community forestry
- A compilation of lessons learnt in climate change policy processes in East and Southern Africa
Livestock Scale-up Case Study
- A case study of livestock production in ECRP targeted areas
The Characteristics of Resilience Building
- This paper outlines a common understanding of resilience-building
The Nairobi Declaration
- A review and analysis of the outcomes of COP18/CMP8 and their implications for Africa
Food Security Policy 2006
- National Food security Policy
Malawi Agricultural Sector Wide Approach
- The ASWAp is a single comprehensive programme and budget framework that has a formalized process for better donor coordination and harmonization of investment ...
Malawi and the Millennium Development Goals- Challenges and Achievements
- An assessment of what Malawi has achieved in meeting the MDG's and the challenges met
Social Protection Policy 2008
- This policy act as a prelude to programme development and provides a holistic framework for designing, implementing, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating ...
Social Support Policy 2009
- This policy is a prelude to programme development and provides a holistic framework for designing, implementing, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating social ...