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National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan II 2015-2025
- This National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan II is a framework for action that will guide Malawi to sustainably manage its biodiversity. The Strategy ...
Distribution Equity in Malawi - Towards Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Natural Resources Management
- An examination of a number of policy instruments with reference to how they address poverty reduction in general and use of natural resources for this ...
Sustainability of the Malawi Farm Input Subsidy Programme
- A policy brief on an assessment of the sustainability of the national Fertilizer Input Subsidy Programme (FISP)
Status of Forests and Tree Management in Malawi
- The paper looks at the history of forest conservation in Malawi and at forest cover trends in Malawi
20 Years of African CSO Involvement in Climate Change Negotiations- Priorities, Strategies and Actions
- An exploration of African CSO engagement in the UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COPs) process
CEPA Draft Position Paper - Towards Development of a Climate Change Policy in Malawi
- This paper seeks to identify the gaps in the existing policy and legal Framework related to climate change policy
Policy Brief on the Status of Policy Implementation for Enhancing Community Resilience in Malawi 2013
- An assessment of policy implementation for community resilience enhancement in the ECRP project
Policy Brief on the Status of Policy Implementation for Enhancing Community Resilience in Malawi 2014
- An assessment of policy implementation for community resilience enhancement in the ECRP project
Policy Framework for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Malawi- A Review of Key Policies and Legislation
- A review of various policies and legislation related to CC adaptation and DRM in Malawi
Institutionalizing Sector Working Groups to Strengthen the Implementation of the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy
- Guidelines for the institutionalization of sector working Groups to strengthen the implementation of the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy II
- A national level guiding document to achieve the goal of wealth creation through sustainable economic growth and infrastructure development
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy Volume One
- This document presents a policy shift from social consumption to sustainable economic growth and infrastructure development, particularly in rural areas ...
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy Volume Two
- This document provides a policy framework that addresses both economic growth and social policies and how these are balanced to achieve the medium term ...
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy
- A development plan to balance the productive sector and social sector of the economy
Social Protection Policy 2008
- This policy act as a prelude to programme development and provides a holistic framework for designing, implementing, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating ...
The Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS) III
- The MGDS III is the fourth, and final, medium-term national development strategy formulated to contribute tot eh attainment of Malawi's long term development ...