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National Climate Change Management Policy 2016
- The Policy provides strategic direction for Malawi's priorities for climate change interventions and outlines an institutional framework for the application ...
20 Years of African CSO Involvement in Climate Change Negotiations- Priorities, Strategies and Actions
- An exploration of African CSO engagement in the UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COPs) process
A Study of the Economic and Social Impact of Three Irrigation Schemes in Dedza and Ntcheu Districts
- A study to assess the extent to which forecasts that were made about social and economic benefits of rural irrigation schemes were realise d on the ground
CEPA Draft Position Paper - Towards Development of a Climate Change Policy in Malawi
- This paper seeks to identify the gaps in the existing policy and legal Framework related to climate change policy
Climate Change and Rural Communities in Malawi - Towards Policy Implementation
- A compilation of three papers which provide a synopsis of the state of knowledge and activities as well as policy responses to climate change impacts. The ...
Declaration on the III Regional Summit on Climate Change
- Declaration on the 111 Regional Summit on climate change
DISCOVER and ECRP Glossary of Terms
East and Southern Africa Regional Workshop on Linking Local Experiences with Policy Processes in Climate Change
- This document gives a background and objectives of the Southern Voices Climate Change workshop on Linking local experiences with policy processes in climate ...
Governance Assessment of Participatory Forest Management in Malawi
- Workshop on Linking local experiences with policy processes in climate change
Hyogo Framework for Action- Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters
- Lessons from adaptation, sustainable energy and community forestry
Into Unknown Territory - The Limits to Adaptation and Reality of Loss and Damage from Climate Impacts
- This paper contextualises issues around loss and damage as a result of climate change and demonstrates the urgent necessity for a range of approaches to ...
Linking local Experiences with Policy Processes in Climate Change- Lessons from adaptation, sustainable energy and community forestry
- A compilation of lessons learnt in climate change policy processes in East and Southern Africa
PMU DISCOVER Narrative Report- Year 2 Quarter 1
- A narrative report on the status of project implementation in ECRP
Policy Brief on Mainstreaming Climate Change into Development Policies
- A review of key issues related to integration of the climate change agenda in national development planning
Policy Brief on National Adaptation Programme of Action
- A brief summary of the National Adaptation Programme of Action (2006)
Policy Framework for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Malawi- A Review of Key Policies and Legislation
- A review of various policies and legislation related to CC adaptation and DRM in Malawi
Report on the Eastern and Southern Africa Community Based Adaptation (CBA) and Resilience Learning Event in Ethiopia
- Activity report on the community based adaptation and resilience learning event
The Characteristics of Resilience Building
- This paper outlines a common understanding of resilience-building
The Nairobi Declaration
- A review and analysis of the outcomes of COP18/CMP8 and their implications for Africa
Disaster Preparedness and Relief Act 1991
- The Act provides information on the establishment of natural disaster preparedness and relief committee of Malawi that is responsible national disaster ...
Initial National Communication of Malawi
- This is the Initial National Communication of Malawi prepared in fulfilment of her commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
National Climate Change Response 2012
- This White Paper presents the Malawian Government's vision for an effective climate change response that addresses the needs of its people, especially the poor ...
National Environment and Climate Change Communication Strategy 2012-2016
- The Strategy offers insight into issues, concerns and opportunities to improve communication on environment and climate change.
National Environmental Action Plan Vol I 1994
- An analysis of major environmental issues and measures to alleviate them, promote sustainable use of natural resources in Malawi, and to develop an ...
Project Environmental Impact Assessment Checklist
- The checklists for project EIA's
- This report presents findings from a study carried out under the Beyond Barriers project to investigate what is required for the humanitarian system to make ...