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Promoting Responsive and Accountable Extractive Industries Governance- End of Project Evaluation Terms of Reference
- Terms of Reference for a call for proposals for the Tilitonse Funded "Promoting Responsive and Accountable Extractive Industries Governance" end of project ...
Assessment of Policy Implementation and Legal Compliance in the Environment and Natural Resources Management Sector
- An analytical report on the processes involved in development of policies and legislature related to natural resource management. The report further looks at ...
Challenges Environmental Affairs Department Faces in Implementing Monitoring and Auditing Programmes
- This paper outlines the challenges that are faced by EAD in monitoring and auditing and provides the recommendations
CSO Analysis of the 2011-2014 National Budget Allocation to the ElA Sector
- A review on allocations that the sector(EAD) has received in the financial years of 2011/2012, 2012/13 and 2013/14 approved national budgets. The results of ...
Policy Brief on the National Environmental Policy of Malawi
- A brief summary of the National Environmental Policy (1996)
Summary of Revised Environment Management Bill 2006
- This brief outlines the process of revising the EMA 1996, the key changes that have been proposed including the rationale for the proposals and the next steps ...
Environment Management Bill 2013
- A bill to make provision for the protection and management of the environment and the conservation and sustainable utilization of natural resources
Environmental Policy 2004
- The policy recommends a set of actions that should be taken in order to redress the aggravating environmental degradation and facilitate sustainable ...
The Challenge Newsletter Issue 4
- A quarterly newsletter by the Millennium Challenge Account Malawi