Search results — 15 items matching your search terms
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Climate Smart Agriculture Policy Review
- A review of policies and strategies related to climate smart agriculture
DF Lead Farmer Extension and Training Guide on Sustainable Agriculture
- The guide contains technical information, and takes into consideration lessons learnt from field experiences. It incorporates step-by-step construction ...
Harmonizing Trade Regulation and Environment Management
- An analysis of the relationship between trade and environment and all matters incidental thereto
International and National Conservation Agriculture Training Courses
- A brief indicating the aim of the courses, Target groups, Cost of Training, how to apply and the training schedule and venue
Organic Manure - A Sustainable Means to Achieve National Food Security and Economic Empowerment
- A compilation of experience highlighting importance of organic manure for sustainable agriculture production in Malawi
Case Study on Conservation Agriculture in Dedza
- Case study on conservation agriculture practices in Dedza
Case Study on Conservation Agriculture in Nsanje
- Case study on conservation agriculture practices in Nsanje
Climate Change Adaptation Best Practices
- A compilation of selected adaptation best practices from the interventions implemented by different stakeholders in various districts declared vulnerable
ECRP DISCOVER Advocacy Strategy
- The Enhancing Community Resilience Project policy advocacy strategy
ECRP E-survey Report
- ECRP E-survey report on impact of CEPA publications in the programme
ECRP Proposal Partner Version
- ECRP proposal application
ECRP Theory of Change
- Enhancing Community Resilience Project theory of change
Surviving in the Hard Times of Climate Change
- A compilation of climate change adaptation case studies from Salima
Malawi Agricultural Sector Wide Approach
- The ASWAp is a single comprehensive programme and budget framework that has a formalized process for better donor coordination and harmonization of investment ...
Progress Report on National Climate Change Investment Plan Development
- A presentation on the status of National Climate Change Investment Plan development