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9th Southern Africa Civil Society Forum- Acting Together Ensuring Accountability
- 9th southern Africa Civil Society Forum-Acting Together Ensuring Accountability
A Guide to the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology ROAM
- A handbook to guide assessment teams through the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM)
A Review of Policy and International Instruments on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management in Malawi- Towards Development of Comprehensive Policy Frameworks
- A review of policy and international instruments on climate change and disaster and risk management in Malawi
A Study of the Economic and Social Impact of Three Irrigation Schemes in Dedza and Ntcheu Districts
- A study to assess the extent to which forecasts that were made about social and economic benefits of rural irrigation schemes were realise d on the ground
A World of Opportunity Map 2015
- A map showing areas where forests or woodlands can grow naturally but are diminished by human impact, so that the forest is either missing or its density is ...
Arborvitae Volume 45 - Forest Landscape Restoration Potential and Impacts
- A newsletter that has issues to do with forest landscape restoration potential and impacts
Community Experiences with Climate change - Case Study of Salima District
- A compilation of case studies on community climate change experience in Salima district
Economic Valuation and Restoration Carbon Accrual
- Assessing the net economic benefits and carbon mitigation potential of Forest Landscape Restoration
Forest Landscape Restoration Overview
- An overview of forest landscape restoration. It incorporates many diverse land uses - based on the context of the land and the needs of the community
Hyogo Framework for Action- Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters
- Lessons from adaptation, sustainable energy and community forestry
PERFORM Gender Analysis and Plan
- A gender analyses for the PERFORM project
Restoration Opportunity Assessment Methodology Briefing Note
- A briefing note on the Restoration Opportunity Assessment Methodology (ROAM)
Restoration Opportunity Assessment Methodology ROAM
- A guide for interested users to identify landscapes that offer opportunities for restoration considered at a national and subnational level; and to gain ...
The Bonn Challenge and Landscape Restoration
- A practical, action-orientated platform to facilitate the implementation of several existing international commitments that require restoration, including the ...
The Bonn Challenge Phase 2
- A global goal to restore 150 million hectares of degraded and deforested lands by 2020
The Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration
- A publication on the advantages of joining global partnership on forest landscape restoration
Agricultural Research Master Plan 1995
- A five year plan to guide planning and execution of research programmes for the development of agriculture in Malawi
Agriculture Sector Wide Approach (ASWAp)
- A brief presentation on the ASWAp
Agro-Processing Policy Review 2002
- A review on the national agro-processing policy
Brief Summary of Policies and Strategies in the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation 2002
- A presentation on the policies and strategies in the agriculture sector
EIA Process in Malawi
- Guidelines that provide a list of projects that require an EIA, and a list of projects that may require an EIA
Electricity Act 2004
- The Act provides information on the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity
Energy Regulation Act 2004
- The Act defines the functions and powers of the Energy Regulatory Authority and provides for licensing of energy undertakings
Food Security Policy 2006
- National Food security Policy
Irrigation Act 2001
- An Act to make provision for the sustainable development and management of irrigation, protection of the environment from irrigation related degradations, ...
Land Bill 2012
- This Bill seeks to make provision for land in Malawi and for all matters relating to land
Local Government Act 1998
- An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to local government
Malawi Agricultural Sector Wide Approach
- The ASWAp is a single comprehensive programme and budget framework that has a formalized process for better donor coordination and harmonization of investment ...
National Contract Farming Strategy 2007
- A strategy for Contract Farming in Malawi
National Environmental Action Plan Vol I 1994
- An analysis of major environmental issues and measures to alleviate them, promote sustainable use of natural resources in Malawi, and to develop an ...