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Malawi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Master Plan 1999
- A masterplan providing guidelines for the execution of demand driven- research in the Agriculture sector
Malawi and the Millennium Development Goals- Challenges and Achievements
- An assessment of what Malawi has achieved in meeting the MDG's and the challenges met
Malawi Decentralization Policy 1998
- The guiding policy for decentralisation in Malawi
Malawi National Strategy for Sustainable Development 2004
- This document provides guidance on the implementation of the WSSD commitments for the next 10-15 years, and to complement the MPRS
MASAF Community Development Projects Handbook
- The handbook for operational guidance to stakeholders on the philosophy, design principles, institutional management framework, and operational procedures of ...
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2006
- This NBSAP outlines the status of the various biodiversity resources in Malawi and stipulates strategies and actions necessary to ensure the management and ...
National Climate Change Response 2012
- This White Paper presents the Malawian Government's vision for an effective climate change response that addresses the needs of its people, especially the poor ...
National Environment and Climate Change Communication Strategy 2012-2016
- The Strategy offers insight into issues, concerns and opportunities to improve communication on environment and climate change.
National Environmental Action Plan Vol I 1994
- An analysis of major environmental issues and measures to alleviate them, promote sustainable use of natural resources in Malawi, and to develop an ...
National Fertilizer Strategy 2007
- This document identifies key issues affecting adoption and utilization of fertilizer technologies
National Land Resources Management Policy and Strategy 2000
- Policy and strategy on national land resources management
National Youth Policy 2013
- The policy provides broad guidelines from which programmes and services can be developed to facilitate meaningful participation and involvement of the youth in ...
New Agriculture Policy- A Strategic Agenda for Addressing Economic Development and Food Security in Malawi 2005
- Outlines the actions to be implemented by the institution and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector in an effort to create a nation with sustainable ...
The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands- Implications for Malawi
- A presentation on wetlands conventions implications for Malawi